Heboh Video Anonymous Peringatkan Tim Buzzer Ahok, Begini Isi Lengkapnya

Sebuah video yang mengatasnamakan dari Anonymous beredar di media sosial. Video tersebut berisi peringatan yang ditujukan kepada tim buzzer Ahok. Dalam video berdurasi satu menit 25 detik itu, Anonymous mengancam melakukan serangan jika tim buzzer Ahok bersikeras mencatut nama mereka berkaitan dengan video dan teks Whatsapp mengenai skandal Habib Rizieq dan Firza Husein.

“Kami akan memanggil pasukan Anonymous untuk melakukan hack, membajak, membocorkan database, dan mengambil alih semua website buzzer Ahok,” kata pihak yang mengatasnamakan Anonymous dalam videonya di Youtube.
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Dalam videonya, Anonymous juga memperingatkan agar nama mereka tidak dibawa-bawa dalam masalah politik yang terjadi di Indonesia. “Peringatan terakhir! Jangan berani lagi membawa nama kami untuk kepentingan permusuhan kalian,” ucapnya.

Berikut Isi Lengkap Peringatan dari Pihak yang Mengatasnamakan Anonymous

Greeting citizens of the world, we are anonymous. People of Indonesia it has come to our attention, as we’ve heard that AHOK BUZZER TEAM has mention us on their video and whatsapp text about Habib Rizieq and Firza scandal. We deny it. The video and whatsapp text does not belong to us. We may defend, but we cannot like some politics problem in your country.

As you know, anonymous has been watching you. You have seen a fair warning from us by contain free speech and life right for the further assault. AHOK BUZZER! If you still insist on bringing our name in your hostility, then be prepared to face our ATTACK to block you entire online media.

Heboh Video Anonymous Peringatkan Tim Buzzer Ahok, Begini Isi Lengkapnya
Foto : you tube
We are ready to give peace tp those in need and we’re ready to ruin those who want it! We will call all anonymous collectives to hack, hijack database leak, main take over all buzzer websites. Last warning, do not dare bringing our name in your hostility. We Anonymous, We Are Legion, United By One, Devided By Zero. We Do Not Forgive, We Do Not Forget. It is too late to expect us. Sumber : http://www.jpnn.com/news/anonymous-beri-peringatan-buat-tim-buzzer-ahok-termasuk-soal-rizieq-firza
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